6 Shopping Tips for Going Green

As a conscientious consumer, you want your buying decisions and behaviour to promote sustainable and healthy living. Follow these green shopping tips to upgrade your relationship with the Earth.

1. Reusable shopping bags

Reuse cloth bags that can last for years and even be fashionable too. They prevent the use of dozens if not hundreds of plastic bags.

2. Choose local products when possible

Supporting local production of goods reduces transportation pollution from shipping goods thousands of miles. In the North Vancouver area, you have great options for finding local foods, like at Kin’s Farm Market, due to the agricultural bounty of British Columbia. To shop as green as possible, select organic local foods because their production limits the use of chemicals on the land.

3. Avoid plastic packaging

Anyone with any ecological sensibilities hates clam shell plastic packages. If you have a choice between two products, choose the one with the least amount of plastic packaging. Better choices are those that come in recyclable packaging or packaging made from recycled materials.

4. Pamper yourself with experiences instead of stuff

You’ve heard of retail therapy. This is fine if you need the products, but eco-friendliness calls for reducing consumption of unnecessary material goods. You may experience greater happiness if you go out to an exercise class or get a massage at Lynn Valley Massage Therapy.

5. Gang up AKA carpool

Do you have a friend, neighbour, or family member who could use a ride to the shops? Even if you both have cars, you can make a shopping date to run errands together. One vehicle on the road uses less fuel than two cars on the road. You could have fun too.

If you have an electric vehicle, you can also use an EV charger while you shop at Lynn Valley Centre, which is located on West surface lot and on P1 of the underground parking facility.

6. Plan shopping trips efficiently

A green lifestyle means limiting your fuel and energy consumption whenever possible. Living in an urban setting can make it easy to pop off to different shops all different days of the week.

A little planning can eliminate multiple vehicle trips per week or month. Keep a running list of what you need to buy. Then plan an outing to the supermarket, drugstore, cleaners, or other locations and make purchases with a single trip.

You can accomplish almost anything on your to-do list at Lynn Valley Centre in North Vancouver. From baked goods to optical services, make us your one-stop place for green living.